Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Mommy & Me

Here are just a few randoms of me & my Love Bug!

Spent the day shopping with mom.

A lovely day spent in Parker & even had a chance to take time to smell the flowers.

Grandma & Grandpa Came to Visit!!!!

Spent the day at the pool, catching some rays and napping. The perfect day!

Grandma took me shopping and bought me this cool hat. Do I look styling?

I love my Grandma & Grandpa. I wish I could see them everyday!

Soooo BIG

Bright eyed and bushy-tailed in the morning. The BEST part of my day!

Trying out the high chair for the first time & not quite sure about it. But Hey, it let Mommy get a few things done in the kitchen!

 Another first, checking out his bouncer seat and all of its toys. He just can't wait to reach out and touch them.

Handsome boy, out to dinner with the family.

La Cooc-A Rocha, La Cooc-A Rocha..., La La La La La.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Goof'n Around

We admit it; we sometimes treat Wyatt as our little toy...a very precious, expensive toy. But it's oh so fun...and he looks so cute; when he plays along! :) He He

We told him we were gonna ship him to China:

I think he kind of liked it...he looks like he's lounging around.

Come on guys; really!?

So for those of you that have seen the movie The Hang Over, you'll get this! ;)

And here is our Wyatt's friend from down the street. This is Wyatt E Dolan sitting next to our Wyatt, Wyatt O Danks. They are only 1 week apart (our Wyatt is the older one). This picture is in between cranky cries and JUST before the other Wyatt toppled over face first into our Wyatt's knee. Leading to more crying. Good times! :)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The weekend

Just chilling with mom; one of his favorite places.

A happy & clean baby!

A Friday night outside with mom. How Friday nights have changed!

Tummy Time!

Now usually Wyatt doesn't like tummy time at all! When we put him on his tummy on the ground he will usually sit there for a minute, resting his head on the ground (completely NOT the purpose of tummy time), sucking on his fist. Well, maybe we are just doing it at the wrong time of the day! He is happiest in the mornings, so I decided to try him on his tummy on top of his Boppy in the morning. Success! He was actually happy (for a little bit) during tummy time! :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

A great Thursday

After more than 24 hours of not sleeping due to my & Barry's new schedules, Wyatt did mommy a huge favor. He slept 9 hours and went back to sleep for another 3 hours! Thanks love bug. ;)

This is what a happy & well rested baby looks like.

Then we socialized at the pool this morning, meeting new mommies and babies. Every time I came down by his face for a picture, he would turn his head. Goofball. I'll just pretend he was giving me kisses!

August 3rd-3 months old!

This is the same chair & position I've been posing him in for his last 1-3 month old pictures. ;)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Randoms-2 Months Old

Here are a few random photos that I found on my phone. These are from Wyatt's 2nd month of life. Enjoy!